Nako Vesh

Sycamore, ash, moss and loam
Wrap your roots all around my bones

Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the the MoonGender: FemaleAge: 26Height: 4'10"Occupation: Adventurer, blacksmith, do-gooder, troublemaker.Residence: The East Shroud

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos depicting animals and plants of the Twelveswood covering her arms from her shoulders to her wrists, dark paint often surrounding her eyes, and a tattoo in the center of her brow that seems to have been marred by a wound.Scents: Leather, herbs, charred wood, metal, incense.Voice: Warm, a bit low, with an oddly pleasant hoarse quality. Her accent is lilting, almost song-like, a trait endemic to some parts of the Shroud.

Background illustration by Xaotician


Nako is a short Miqo'te with a lithely athletic build. Her complexion is an ashen brown, interrupted on her face, shoulders and back with faded white stripes and freckles. Nako’s eyes bear a similar muddy theme, but when inspected closely one is certainly more green while the other is gold. Her unruly mop of fawn brown hair is kept in braids and tails which are secured by carved wooden beads.If Nako wears anything that exposes much skin, one can see that her arms and back are spotted with intricate tattoos featuring scenes and animals from the Shroud. Nako is slightly flippant, a little silly, and very brash. She views herself as the hero of her own story, and attempts to make her actions as heroic as possible (at least in her mind). To her, life is a grand adventure and any problems that arise can easily be solved with a few well placed punches.Despite this rough veneer, Nako goes to great lengths to help others. She finds it nearly impossible to sit still if she can do something about another’s misfortune. Though because of this, she is easily lured in by a sob story, true or not.

Likes: Fighting, swimming, training, hunting, fishing, rescuing people, helping others, protecting the Shroud, eating oysters.Dislikes: Indecision, injustice (as pertaining to her viewpoint), boredom, most men, pants.Fears: Abandonment, failure, harm coming to those she loves, firearms.Flaws: Brash, sexist, stubborn, flighty, distracted.




Sword for a Good Cause: Nako is always looking to help those in need even if the recipient cannot pay. She has been an armed attendant, a guard for caravans, and a guide for those traversing dangerous wilderness. She has even been tricked into helping those with less than good intentions. . . Apprentice Smith: Formerly apprenticed to an Ala Mhigan blacksmith, Nako is now a master blade smith in her own right. Her forge is located in the Eastern Shroud, near Little Solace. (The Lavender Beds, plot 4, 2nd Ward) (I'm currently working on a roll system for forging weapons here, if you're interested.)

Bad Blood: Clan-born Keepers from the Shroud may recognize Nako from her former clan, the Vesh. They may also recognize that she has been turned away from the Vesh under disgraceful circumstances. Echo: Like many found throughout Hydaelyn, Nako possesses a form of the Echo, though she is unaware of this ability. Her particular version allows her to understand and communicate with beasts and other wildlife. Nako thinks this is normal and that everyone else just has a hard time understanding what that deer over there is afraid of.


Ex-Gladiator: Not long ago Nako was a gladiator on the Bloodsands under the management of a small ludus. She was known as the Shroud Shrike, posing as a bloodthirsty wildling from the Twelveswood, a fan favorite to hate. After being asked to throw certain matches, Nako began to chafe under her contract until she had enough. In a dramatic gesture with the help of accomplices, she freed the ludus' beasts and fought her way out.Though it has been a while since this occurred, and she commonly kept her face covered as a gladiator, clever fans of the Shrike, or those looking to make coin from a certain vengeful lanista might recognize her.


Note: Most of these items are carried in her chocobo's saddlebag and therefore won't be on hand at all times.

1 shortsword with a peculiar uneven handle 1 small buckler 1 utility/hunting knife 1 shortbow 1 spear 2 whetstones A small selection of black smithing tools. A spool of fishing line with assorted lures and flies, if not a rod

1 ocarina in the shape of a bird Various carpentry tools A curious collection of pebbles, feathers and tiny bones 1 worn, very old romance novel 1 sack of ghysal greens 1 chocobo grooming kit


🠶 Hi, thanks for reading!

🠶 You can call me D or my character names!
🠶 She/Her
🠶 21+
🠶 Balmung/Crystal Datacenter

Timezone & Availibility
🠶 PST; most afternoons, except for Wenesdays and Sundays.

RP Preferences
🠶 Lore adherent, but bendy for the Rule of Fun. I will say though, I am beginning to get a bit weary of particularly outlandish concepts. If you're a Sin Eater, Android, kitsune, Ancient, Ascian, or isekai I'd rather not interact. It's just not my cup of tea.
🠶 Combat resolution is your choice, whether rolls or not, I don't care if my character loses a fight.🠶 I'm open to most themes, but I do like darker ones come with a little OOC communication. This doesn't mean that I need to pre-plan everything, just that I like a little heads up.

🠶 I'm comfortable mirroring and my own style wavers between paragraphs and shorter, faster replies. I switch it up depending on the situation.🠶 I prefer to RP in game, but don't mind a few catchup sessions through Discord here and there.🠶 If any of my RP or writing makes you uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to bring it to my attention. I’ll be happy to work it out, even if that means retconning. You being comfortable and safe is more important than my RP!

🠶 I have the fucking awesome combo of ADHD and dyslexia, so I often miss posts. Especially when the RP is moving quickly. I promise it's nothing personal! If you think I missed one of your posts or read it wrong, please send a whisper! It happens aaaaaall the time, trust me.

Meme Trash!

wow i'm sorry you found this garbage, dude